Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

It's that time of year when we break out the Turkey Bag, pick our heads up from the sewing machines, and pause to give thanks for all that is before us.

As The Great Recession grinds on, the trepidation of Thanksgiving 2008 has given way to a firm resolve that real value and values will prevail. For us, that continues to be about making an honest, durable, and functional product right here in the United States. We'd all like business to be a bit more robust, but we can be thankful that we still have a loyal fan base and continue to attract new customers to our brand of ingeniously simple bags.

Thanks to all of our customers, suppliers and supporters; and here's to a joyous holiday season with family and friends.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why Hello, Mr. Byrne!

Hello Nation,

We just did a big run of SuperPros for our friends and idols at Transportation Alternatives.
They are the largest and smartest of the big city bike and ped advocacy groups - a close working relationship with the city gives them wonderful influence. Instead of the city inventing policy on their own they have a very engaged and informed partner to work with. The Bloomberg administration several years ago worked to introduce a congestion pricing system to Manhattan (Read: Charge cars admission to drive downtown and reduce congestion and pollution). Trans Alt built that plan - it didn't pass, but it's not dead yet. We have been donating custom printed bags to them for four or five years now. They give them to volunteers and auction them off to raise funds.

David Byrne is also a fan of theirs (as we are of him). He just wrote a book, "Bicycle Dairies," full of his musings about riding in cities all over the world. Mr. Byrne is no Lycra-clad, heartbeat-monitor-wearing newbie to riding bikes. I understand his mount of choice to be an old English three speed (mine too). He seems a man who rides the same way a 12-year-old rides. BECAUSE IT IS SO FUN. Anyway, he helps out the Dept. of Transportation when he can and is also a big supporter of Transportation Alternatives.
So here we are. TA generated art work that took the book cover and put it onto our bag. We built a big run of them and they will go along to readings and book signings in other cities. The proceeds will support the work TA does. Everybody wins.

-Jon B.